UCC Covid-19 Tracker and Day Pass App developed

Maebh McCarthyAll UCC students received an email from Interim President of UCC, Professor John O’Halloran last week advising students of the development of a UCC Covid-19 Tracker and Day Pass App for both students and staff.In the email, which is co-signed by UCCSU President, Naoise Crowley, and Dr. Michael Byrne, Head of Student Health Services, explained that the purpose of the app was to help users conduct a “self-check for COVID symptoms and COVID infectious risk, before attending the University. This app was created to keep the UCC Community safe and well; all staff and students are strongly encouraged to download and use the app ahead of planned visits to campus.” The app was developed by UCC IT Services in September 2020, in collaboration with UCC Student Health and the College of Medicine and Health. Originally, the app was used to support UCC students on their clinical placements. It was the positive experiences of these students with the app, as well as the feedback from placement provider organisations, that encouraged UCC to make this app available to all students and staff. Professor O’Halloran welcomed the timing of the roll-out of the app, “given the arrival of the new variants of the virus in Ireland.” Professor O’Halloran added that it will “serve as an additional control measure to protect students and staff as society gradually reopens over the coming months.”University advice is that students should use the UCC Covid Tracker and Day Pass App to complete a self-check of COVID Symptoms and COVID infectious risks before they arrive on campus. It serves an additional purpose of notifying UCC Student Health that you are concerned that you may have COVID, even if you do not plan on coming to the University on that day. Depending on the answers received, you will be issued with either a ‘green pass’ or a ‘red pass.’ “Where COVID-19 symptoms or infectious risk are not present, the app will generate a green pass indicating that it is safe for you to attend University. Where COVID-19 symptoms or infectious risk are present, the app will generate a red pass advising that you should not leave home to attend University.” Should you receive a “red pass,” you will also receive an email to your UCC email account, with advice on further actions.  Students were assured that the app is GDPR compliant, and that UCC Student Health alone has access to the data entered. It is to be used in conjunction with, and not in replacement of the gov.ie Covid Tracker App. The UCC app was developed to help provide an extra layer of protection.For further information on accessing the application, please see your UCC Umail account or visit https://www.ucc.ie/en/emt/covid19/ucc-covid-app/ 


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