UCC elects first female SU President in 18 years

UCC students have elected Asha Woodhouse as their next Students’ Union President, this mornings’ results announced, making her the first female UCCSU President in 18 years. Alongside her on the Executive sits Caoimhe Walsh as Welfare Officer, Maeve Richardson as Communications and Engagement Officer, Sinead Roche as Education Officer, Luke Mulcahy as Entertainments Officer and Siobhán Murphy as Communications and Fundraising Officer. Voter turnout surpassed that of previous years, with 5,899 students in total casting their ballot versus approximately 4000 the year prior. Following a virtual election season of hustings and social media campaigning, students voted online in the highest turnout seen in recent years.In a total valid poll of 5,398, Asha Woodhouse surpassed the quota and was elected on the first count over opponents Adam O’Brien and Dave Collins. “Asha” consequently began trending in Ireland on Twitter as the results were announced via livestream on the UCCSU Facebook page. She is the first female President of the SU since 2003, and the sixth ever woman to hold the position since 1919. She is joined by a majority female Executive. Part-time campaign positions were also filled. Uncontested, Alicia O’Sullivan was elected as Environmental and Sustainability Representative after the first count. The position of Equality and Diversity Representative was filled by Daniel Byrne following the second count and that of Irish Language and Culture Rep was filled by Darragh Ó Caoimh. A representative from all of the four Colleges is elected to the Students’ Union to represent the students of each: Business and Law; Science, Engineering and Food Science (SEFS); Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences (CACSSS) and Medicine and Health. Meadhbh Kehoe was elected as representative of the College of Business and Law, Alex Angland was elected as SEFS Rep, Daniel Cunninghan for CACSSS and Abbie Moloney for the College of Medicine and Health. Students in the college of Business and Law made up the largest vote share of all colleges with 1,754 votes cast. They were joined by 1,505 students of the College of Science, Engineering and Food Science and 1,699 students of the College of Arts Celtic Studies and Social Sciences. 915 students of the College of Medicine and Health voted. 24 students from Adult Continuing Education cast their votes, with just 2 students from the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CITRL) participating in this years’ election.Results are available at uccsu.ie/2021electionresults/, with the live announcements available for playback on the UCCSU Facebook page. The full breakdown of results is available below: Total turnout: 5,899 (approx. 25%)SU ExecutiveUCCSU PresidentTotal valid poll: 5,398Asha Woodhouse: 2,927Adam O’Brien: 1,251Dave Collins: 1,187Re-open Nominations (RON): 33Asha Woodhouse is deemed elected on the first count. Communications and Engagement OfficerTotal valid poll: 5,007Quota: 2.504Maeve Richardson: 2,943 Aisling O’Sullivan: 2,011RON: 53Maeve Richardson is deemed elected on the first count. Communications and Fundraising OfficerTotal valid poll: 4,684Quota: 2,343Célem Deegan: 1,619Siobhan Murphy: 2,998RON: 67Siobhán Murphy is deemed elected on the first count. Entertainments OfficerTotal valid poll: 5,208Quota: 2,605Aimee Cummins: 2,406Luke Mulcahy: 2,753RON: 49Luke Mulcahy deemed elected on the first count Education OfficerTotal valid poll: 4,841Quota: 2,421Sinead Roche: 4,661RON: 179Sinead Roche is deemed elected on the first count.  Welfare OfficerTotal valid poll: 4,701Quota: 2,351Caoimhe Walsh: 4,516RON: 185Caoimhe Walsh is deemed elected on the first count. Equality and Diversity RepresentativeValid Poll: 4,531Quota: 2,266 COUNT #1Daniel Byrne: 2,231AJ Nagle: 2,161RON: 139 (Eliminated) COUNT #2Daniel Byrne: 2,240 (+9)AJ Nagle: 2165 (+4)Non-transferable: 126Daniel Byrne is deemed elected on the second count. Environmental and Sustainability RepresentativeValid Poll: 4,783Quota: 2,392Alicia O’Sullivan: 4.646RON: 137Alicia O’Sullivan is deemed elected on the first count. Irish Language and Culture RepresentativeValid Poll: 4,656Quota: 2,329Katie Halpin-Hill: 1,309Megan Ní Dhugain: 522Darragh O’Caoimh: 2,773RON: 52Darragh O’Caoimh is deemed elected on the first count. Executive RepresentativesMedicine and Health RepresentativeValid Poll: 803Quota: 402 COUNT #1Samin Abrar: 261Abbie Moloney: 340Jennifer Okparaeke: 192RON: 10 (Eliminated) COUNT #2Samin Abrar: 261 (-)Abbie Moloney: 341 (+1)Jennifer Okparaeke: 192 (-) (Eliminated) COUNT #3Samin Abrar: 292 (+31)Abbie Moloney: 413 (+72)Abbie Moloney is deemed elected on the third count.  Business and Law RepresentativeValid poll: 1,433Quota: 717Meadhbh Kehoe: 750Cian O’Rourke: 509Martin Peter Rahill: 138RON: 36Meadhbh Kehoe is deemed elected on the first count. SEFS RepresentativeValid poll: 1,414Quota: 649Alex Angland: 828Colm Maye: 421RON: 47Alex Angland is deemed elected on the first count. CACSS RepresentativeValid Poll: 1,432Quota: 717 COUNT #1Daniel Cunningham: 571 (+1)Mossie Lyons: 332 (+2)Rebeckah McCarthy: 492 (+1)RON: 37 (Eliminated) COUNT #2Daniel Cunningham: 572 Mossie Lyons: 334 (Eliminated)Rebeckah McCarthy: 493 COUNT #2Daniel Cunningham: 572 (+56)Rebeckah McCarthy: 493 (+70) COUNT #3Daniel Cunningham: 628Rebeckah McCarthy: 563Daniel Cunningham is deemed elected on the third count.


Campus To Re-Open with Restrictions


When All Is Said And Done