UCC Student Wins International Award

UCC Criminology student Joanne O'Riordan today received an award from Junior Chamber International. Ms.O'Riordan was nominated by approximately 13,000 people for the 'JCI 10 Outstanding Young Persons of the World' award for 2015.Ms.O'Riordan was the star of the documentary 'No Limbs No Limits' which followed her life with a disability, 'Tetra-amelia syndrome,' and is well-known for her appearance on the Late Late Show, a televised meeting with Taoiseach Enda Kenny following his governments' cuts in disability funding and a speaking appearance in front of the UN.No stranger to awards, Ms.O'Riordan has in the past been named Cork Person of the Month and Young Person of the Year. Ms.O'Riordan received her latest award from JCI in Kanazawa, Ishikawa in Japan. Past winners of this award include John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Elvis Presley, Jackie Chan and Wayne Gretzky.


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