UCC Students to cycle #600KM4Cancer

Writes Cailean CoffeyOn Friday 21st February, two final-year UCC students will begin a 600km, three-day cycle to raise money for childhood cancer.Killian Burke, who studies Finance, and Kevin Harte, who studies Commerce, will be cycling from Mizen Head, Co. Cork to Malin Head, Co. Donegal. The journey will take three days, and will see the pair cycle 200km a day.The #600Km4Cancer cycle is a fundraiser for two childhood cancer charities with 75% of all proceeds going to the LauraLynn Children’s Hospice and 25% of all proceeds going to the Childhood Cancer Foundation. Each month, the UCC Cancer Society chooses a specific cancer to focus on and February was chosen as childhood cancer month, which informed the choice of charities.Mizen to Malin is one of Ireland’s most challenging cycling routes. In order to create awareness for this unique event, UCC Cancer Society released a promotional video as part of the media campaign for #600Km4Cancer which was supported by UCC Student’s Union President Ben Dunlea and UCC Societies President Kayla Maher.“Back in November I was thinking about different ways to raise money for charity and I started looking up different cycles and stuff” Burke recalls, “and I came across the Mizen to Malin cycle and I thought that would be cool. I was sat in Q+2 and I texted Kevin, he must have thought I was mad, but we met up for coffee and we chatted it out and he was on for it straight away”.The pair have been partaking in a rigorous training regime since the start of January, which sees them cycle for two hours three weekdays per week in the Mardyke Arena, before taking to the roads for a longer cycle during the weekend. “It’s going to be a tough cycle” Burke admits, looking forward to the event, “The actual length of the cycling is daunting, but if we take it day by day we can do it. It’s a challenge but it’s exciting at the same time”.The pair, who are also committee members of the UCC Cancer Society, are raising money through a gofundme page.The duo are also raising money through a number of Spinathon fundraisers. The pair have organised fundraisers in Wilton Shopping Centre on the 8th February from 10am to 4pm and the Mardyke Arena on the 11th February from 10am to 7pm.“We are both really excited about it” Burke explains, “It will help two great charities who help children in need all over the country”.“It will be something we’ll be able to look back on for years to come. We’ll be able to leave our mark in UCC in our final semester”If you would like to find out more information about the event or donate, you can click on the link below;https://www.gofundme.com/f/600km4cancer 


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