#UCCVotes - Frahill elected Council Chair

In the final direct election to the UCC Students' Union executive of the academic year, current CACSSS Rep (College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences) Aaron Frahill was elected as the Chair of UCC Student Council by those in attendance in Boole One last night.Frahill was opposed, on the night, by former CACSSS Rep candidate Shane Kenneally. Both candidates wanted to increase participation in Student Council, but Mr.Frahill highlighted the importance of making Council more student-orientated, while Mr.Kenneally wanted to increase the amount of guest speakers at Council and making more use of satellite campuses for Council. While both candidates made similar points, in the end, though, it was Aaron Frahill who won out.The 'Council Team' was rounded out with the election of both a Secretary and Public Relations Officer (PRO). Former SU Presidential candidate Katie O'Neill defeated Catherine Dawson, while Adam Burke was elected PRO over Isabella Storey Cosgrave.The election of the Council Team wasn't the only voting done on the night, as class reps also voted on candidates for USI officer board; the votes decided who the UCCSU delegates will be mandated to vote for at USI Congress on 28th March. UCC is seen as a key college to win for the USI elections, as UCC posseses a high volume of votes at Congress. Reps voted for the following candidates: Michael Kerrigan (USIOB) (President), Oisín Hassan (QUBSU) (VP for Academic Affairs), Re-Open Nominations (RON) (VP for Welfare), Amy Kelly (GMITSU) (VP for Campaigns), Síona Cahill (USIOB) (VP for Equality & Citizenship) and Michelle Byrne (WITSU) (VP for Southern Area). There were no candidates from UCC for USI Officer Board.


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