USI Hosting General Election Hustings Today

The Union of Students in Ireland will host a General Election in UCC today, Wednesday 27th, in Boole 2 at 6pm. The hustings will be on the subject of graduate employment, enterprise, zero hour contracts and living wage. This will be a chance for students to question political representatives on their priorities for the third-level sector and all students are invited to attend.USI VP for the South, Cian Power, stated that "the event is an opportunity for students and stakeholders in Higher Education and also Enterprise to engage with candidates so they can make an informed decision when voting in this General Election". It will be a focused discussion on the big issues affecting the third-level sector, including jobs, graduate employment, funding and higher education. The event will be chaired by Dr. Theresa Reidy, the Vice-President of the Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI) and lecturer in UCC's Department of Government. Each political party has been invited to send a representative to represent their party's views on the defining issues facing students. Students and youth organisations will be able to submit questions in advance or via social media on #MakeASmartVote. Cian Power urges anyone who has questions for the event to send them to or through Twitter @theUSI on the night. Students can view the USI's Student General Election Manifesto 2016 here.


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General Election 2016 - Cork Constituency Profiles