#USI17 - USI Officer Board election results

A new Officer Board of the Union of Students in Ireland has now been elected. It is the first Officer Board of USI to not have a UCC alumnus since 2011. UCC represents a key hustings to win, as UCC possess a large number of votes; this is reflected in the results below, as almost all candidates UCC reps voted for at the last student council were later elected to USI Officer Board. These officers will take over from the current group at the beginning of July.Full results available below, courtesy of Richard Hammond and USI.PresidentTotal Valid Poll - 210Quota - 106Kerrigan, Michael (USIOB)* - 201Re-Open Nominations - 9Michael Kerrigan deemed elected.Vice President for Academic AffairsTotal Valid Poll - 211Quota - 106Hassan, Oisín (QUBSU)* - 206Re-Open Nominations - 5Oisín Hassan deemed elected.Vice President for WelfareTotal Valid Poll - 209Quota - 105Khan, Daniel (NUIGSU) - 23Murtagh, Niamh (USIOB) - 131Re-Open Nominations* - 55Niamh Murtagh deemed elected.Vice President for CampaignsTotal Valid Poll - 211Quota - 106Cassidy, Seán (DCUSU) - 18Kelly, Amy (GMITSU)* - 124McGowan, Dylan (LYITSU) - 69Re-Open Nominations - NilAmy Kelly deemed elected.Vice President for Equality & CitizenshipTotal Valid Poll - 209Quota - 105Cahill, Síona (USIOB)* - 201Re-Open Nominations - 8Síona Cahill deemed elected.Vice President for the Southern AreaTotal Valid Poll - 56Quota - 29Byrne, Michelle (WITSU)* - 31Falvey, Shane (CITSU) - 24Re-Open Nominations - 1Michelle Byrne deemed elected.Leas-Uachtarán don GhaeilgeTotal Valid Poll - 211Quota - 106Ní Choistealbha, Laoighseach (NUIGSU) - 203Re-Open Nominations - 8Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha deemed elected. *Representatives of UCCSU were mandated to vote for this candidate** McGovern, Jimmy was also elected as VP for BMW (Border, Midlands & Western) Area.


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