WARPCON is an annual gaming convention run by the UCC WARPS Society. WARPCON is a three-day gaming event hosted on the campus of University College Cork and is one of the best options in Ireland for a weekend of fun, games and just pure shenanigans. This year's convention ran from January 25th to 27th. The convention includes various games being played, whether it be RPGs, LARPS, Wargames or CCGs as well as video games. The whole convention is family friendly and attracts all ages. WARPCON 29 was a resounding success with 440 attendees. The convention begins on the Friday and continues through until Sunday evening, with the attendees spending the vast majority of their weekend socialising and engaging with those of similar interest, learning, teaching and competing in various table top and role-playing games. The Student Centre in UCC transforms into a hub of those interested in gaming of all varieties, with younger gamers learning from those with more experience. Various regulars of WARPCON were to be seen, with some attendees donning t-shirts from nearly 15 conventions before. Perhaps the most astounding thing about WARPCON is the charitable side of the convention, with this year’s iteration supporting Cork City Hospitals Children's Club. This money is raised through the ticket sales, t-shirt sales and via the charity auction which takes place on the Saturday night. The generosity shown by the participants is nothing short of astounding. The community of 400+ who attend show fantastic readiness to donate copious amounts to a great cause. The 2019 convention raised €13,560, an absolutely magnificent achievement for all those involved, who volunteered their time to organise the convention including the Convention Director, Ultan Casey and WARPS chairperson, Joey de l’Arago.As WARPCON moves closer to its 30th occurrence, the convention shows no sign of slowing down, nor does the community which surrounds it. A mainstay of the UCC academic year, WARPCON will no doubt continue to provide a fantastic weekend for gamers of any interest. Congratulations to all those involved.


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