What more do they want from me, my blood or my life? 

By Ciara Browne Nadim Hussain, an asylum seeker currently living in Direct Provision in Cork, on the Kinsale Road, is currently on hunger strike as he awaits a decision on permission to remain in the country, stating if he goes back to India he will be killed. Nadim left his home in India in January 2019 to seek safety and refuge in Ireland. His parents were killed in an anti-muslim riot between Muslims and Hindus in West Bengal, March 2018. Religious violence breakout is one of the most deadly incidents occurring in India to date and there has been a huge increase in violence against Muslims in India. At the time of Nadim’s parents’ death, both Nadim and his Father were members of the Communist Party of India (CPI). Following a letter received by Mr Hussain last month from the International Protection Appeal Tribunal (IPAT), Mr Hussain is requesting that he be given permission to stay in Ireland. Mr Hussain is pleading that those who have been refused a protection declaration, but who are not returned home for humanitarian reasons can be granted permission to remain as he will be killed on return to India. Speaking to BreakingNews.ie he said “I have given all the evidence I can to the international Protection Officer (IPO) but they refused me. If I go back to India I will be killed.” Now, in fear of being deported, he has gone on a hunger strike to demand answers.Nadim is a 34-year-old who took to Twitter on Thursday 14th October to begin his hunger strike in his attempt to stay in Ireland. Mr Hussain worked in security in a hospital during the pandemic and is calling out to the Minister of Justice, Heather Humphreys for help. An anti-deportation rally took place Friday 22nd October at 2:00 pm in Stephen’s Green to demand an answer for him. Nadim took to Twitter Wednesday 20th October posting a picture of his palm, with ‘Day 7 / Help me’ written in black ink. His hunger campaign is the next step following the rally outside Leinster House. Nadim has asked, “If someone dies while waiting for their permission to remain, who will take that responsibility?”. Nadim’s hunger strike journey is being followed by hundreds of people on Twitter and TD Mick Barry took to Twitter on October 19th to show Nadim his support. He is experiencing stomach pains and has vomited over seven times in one day but refuses to go to the hospital until he gets an answer, but states he needs medical assistance. Nadim took to Twitter to inform his following that his GP told him his kidneys have begun to fail and that his condition could prove fatal within the next three days. On September 22nd, 2021, Mr Hussain received a letter from the International Protection Appeals Tribunal. The letter informed Nadim that he should be refused both a refugee declaration and a subsidiary protection declaration, under Section 46 (3) of the 2015 International Protection Act.  He received an email from the office of the Taoiseach which read that his emails regarding his application to stay in Ireland had been received and his issue was being pursued by the Taoiseach, on Nadim’s behalf with the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) at the Department of Justice. It has been twenty-nine days since the letter was sent and Mr Hussain is still awaiting a reply from the Taoiseach. Nadim has been begging and asking the Irish state what more they want from him: “I have given them all my documentation and evidence they want. What more do they want from me, my blood or my life?” (Irish Examiner) Nadim has received support online from the Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI), the Irish Refugee Council and the TD’s Brid Smith and Mick Barry among others. MASI is concerned for the well-being of Mr Hussain and are urging Heather Humphreys to review Section 49 and grant him permission to stay. 


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