You See Me? You Play Me! | Fergal Carroll

     The Biggie: You have a slight problem, everybody knows it. You like killing people... a lot, but you have FPS fatigue after spending the last two weeks playing Halo 4 and Black Ops 2. I’ll admit it is quite a dilemma. How are you going to get your fix? You have already saved the world multiple times as Master Chief and you just achieved tenth prestige in Blops 2. Don’t worry though, what kind of gaming editor would I be if wasn’t there to save you from such a predicament?! The answer to all your problems lies with the latest instalment of the Hitman franchise - Hitman: Absolution  (or as my 11 year old cousin recently told me, they are releasing a game based on the Hitman movie. Oh, the naivety of youth!). Agent 47 returns in the game which makes killing a puzzle. Will you poison your target’s wine? Kill him while he sleeps? Or just go in all guns blazing? It is up to you. If you haven’t played a Hitman game before I suggest you make this your first as its shaping up to be a showstopper.     The Cheapie: Last week Sony finally announced the details of Playstation Plus for the Vita. It comes at no extra cost to the existing service, so €50 for the year, and offers you AMAZING VALUE. The first four games that are included in the Instant Game Collection are: Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush, Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack and Chronovolt. And yes, you read that correctly. Uncharted and Gravity Rush! Combined with what is already offered for the PS3, if you own any of Sony’s consoles you can’t afford not to subscribe. I had been trawling eBay and Amazon looking for both of these games recently and now they are just handed on a plate to me. Thank you Sony, now I just have to get my Vita fixed...     The Freebie:  I’m not too sure if I would really call this a game but the first release from Peter Molyneux’s (creator of Populous, Black & White, Theme Park and designer of the Fable series) new studio 22Cans is Curiosity or Curiosity - What’s Inside the Cube (they changed the name because of some space thing with the same name). The ‘game’ consists of a MASSIVE cube that players must chip blocks off of. Everyone is digging away at the same cube and inside the cube is...wait for it...something. Errr...right. The person to remove the final block will unlock whatever is inside. Molyneux has said “what is inside the cube is life-changingly amazing by any definition”. He has also said that it is not take from that what you will. If you want to get tapping those blocks away today, Curiosity is available on both Android and iOS devices for the low, low price of free.     The Favour: This request is totally selfish so I’m just going to go ahead and say it. Will someone please buy a Wii U next week and review it for me? I know we are all poor students but surely there is at least one sucker or Nintendo fan-boy out there that is willing to buy one? Since Rayman Legends was delayed until next year I’m slightly hopeful that ZombiU won’t be totally rubbish. I want someone to back this one! is the email, so get in contact!


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