V-Day Feminism's Tacit Call: Why the World Needs a Global, Noble Men's Movement | Robert Bolton

Men. Take control. Take Responsibility.

     This year, feminism's conscious raising blitzkrieg, V-Day, has made it is ferociously clear and animated call for the abolition of violence against women. Celebrating its fifteenth anniversary, its One Billion Rising campaign has called to arms women and men who have decided that the glaring and ubiquitous reality of male violence must end.V-DayFinally, after thousands of years, some have realized just how disastrous a time we have spent living on this planet, pretending to love each other when really pit-bull terriers are the better role model.Bolstered by an ever-growing fire of hostility against recent debates on rape, V-Day has been more significant than ever. The feminist artillery is out. Lock 'N load.No. Feminism's power punch will fail. Wars are meant to end, but feminists, who have been bewitched by a fallacious aura of hope which Eve Ensler's movement proclaims to boast, will find themselves disenchanted. They will discover that V-Day's sunny starry-eyed inspirationalism has allured them into a battle that provides them with neither bullets nor shells. What does the V-Day movement have to offer? How does it propose to end violence against women?By dancing of course! In a tremendous trilling tsunami wave of feminism's exuberant dutiful daughters, along with its signature dish: the hammer and yammering of a merciless and repetitive clamour of journalistic voices whose "poor us" approach to feminist action serves to hide any real practical solution to violent crime, exacerbated their bereft sense of criminology. Bon Appétit!Women: You deserve a better feminism.It is truly a wasteland. The V-Day movement takes the tried and tested, failed racket of a wimpy whiny approach to female emancipation, slapping women back forty years, offering them nothing but horrific facts on women's victimage and calling it 'empowerment'.It has been commendably successful in its conscious raising, but as a male feminist, it is disrespectable and unacceptable to preach a horror story without giving women the criminological education to end that horror story. V-Day's participants have danced and dazzled, but since V-Day's approach, this year was an offshoot of a 'we've had enough' tuckered-out tirade feminism that has not brazenly bothered to utilize criminology for the better - male violence against women will continue. Feminism has reached its inevitable roadblock, which men must rise up and clear.Education means nothing if it is not used, and all rape statistics have inspired, is anger, which cannot be resolved, since current feminism does not know how to end violence. These statistics, though important, are becoming a head nodding cliché. Feminists must move from conscious discussion to conscious action. Real empowerment, which women have not yet received, means understanding male violence and utilizing that understanding to developing a social policy, which can reduce male violence.‘Empowerment’ that yippee yay buzz word, does not mean shoving horrid facts on top of re-hashed catchphrases on women's 'oppression'. The fact is, the sexes kill men several more times than they kill women. Could it be that fears of feminism's creeping superiority complex is emerging as true? That feminists are, through V-Day's supercilious parochialism, suggesting that women are worth more than men and therefore, only violence against women is an "atrocity"?It is commendable that men are openly shaking hands with feminism, but alarming that they could be so passive to their own situation.What is so depressingly dismal is that V-Day has embraced within its ranks, the stunted imaginations of male feminist tail-waggers, whose melodramatic bellyaches have not served as a befitting excuse to provide feminism with the framework it needs to exalt an intelligent campaign to prevent all human violence. It is utterly unbelievable that feminism is happy with these men - no doubt intelligent - but who are drenched in soggy, soppy victimage horror stories, with their mummy "I'm a good boy" pleasing mellow-stories. These boy scouts are not going to get ice cream from me, for their self-deprecation is failing feminism and insulting men.If these men, who appear on V-Day's website, had any real and passionate interests in preventing violence against women, they would provide V-Day with the criminological education it needs, coupled with a framework for rigorous social policy, one that will push politicians to demolishing the very structures that breed violence: The crux of my argument.Paradoxically, rather than bashing men, this social policy will mean that men must be taken care of, for it must envision an era of diverse, spacious, non-violent masculinities and one where all violence is to be abhorred.It is in the interests of humanity that a global, noble united men's movement rises. Men must come out of their emotional burrows and take control of masculinity. They must re-charge it, not with an honour for violence, but with a nurturing and profound elemental respect for all humanity, one devoid of violence towards women, men, and children. When that day comes, when masculinity has been re-constructed, it will be electric. It will be voltaic. It will be powerful. V-Day and feminism cannot end male violence because it is not women's responsibility to change or teach men, but men's responsibility to change and teach men.Feminism, through V-Day's tireless throbbing demands, has cleverly used the female as victim approach to target a desperate female market, a partisan train wreck idea that will ill-inspire ordinary men to fight humanities greatest battle: it's hatred towards it's fellow brothers and sisters.The current men's movement, which at the moment is nothing more than a few dotted, scattered, isolated sprinkles, needs to be replaced. Worse, some websites giving voice to men's grievances are not taking on any sort of intelligent conversation, but instead are choosing to engage in the same monolithic loud mouth monologues that resulted in feminisms genuine, progressive, goodwill reputation ending in disaster. Thirty years later, feminism is still recovering from this kaboom.Politics was never and will never be Daddy Day Care, and so feminists demands will only be met by reactionary and outdated policies which will only hide the true causes of male violence. A men's movement should shatter the feminist monologue and replace it with dialogue. Not only do we need to talk about violence but also we need to do something about it which feminism cannot do on its own. Post V-Day, women are no more enlightened on the true causes of male violence and how to fix it. They are not to blame.It is through the institution of a vigorous and intelligent global men's movement, with feminism as its sister, which will rid humanity of its greatest shame: violence. 


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