Single Girl Rants: Cheater Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!

Cheater Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!As a prominent singleton on the college nightlife scene it has come to my awareness that the majority of people cheat. They cheat on their boyfriends/girlfriends with what seems like no remorse. Faithful seems to not have any meaning. My experience relates to only one gender, those which possess a penis, however I do know of many girls who do not remain faithful to their beloved.I have never cheated on someone or been cheated on. This is probably because I am single and have been so since I can ever remember. Cue the small violins. However I have had the unfortunate luck of being “the other woman” on many occasions. Before you all jump on your high horses and start pelting me with stones yelling “Home wrecker!” let me explain my side of the story. In every case, albeit but one, I was never aware of their relationship status.When a guy comes up to me in a club I will assume that he is single. This is a fair assumption to make if a guy is grinding against you on the dance floor. That “come hither” look is exchanged and offers of drinks are given and my first question will not be, “Do you have a girlfriend?” It will not be my second question or any question for that matter. Let’s be honest there won’t be many questions being asked, if you catch my drift. Why should I have to ask if he is in a relationship? Gone are the days where faithfulness was a given not a question. It’s a kind of shame that I have to now start asking guys if they are single or a cheating bastard before I “get to know them”.I don’t understand why people cheat. If you want to go out and shift people I will not judge you. If you want to go out and shift people while your other half is sitting at home waiting for you, then you Sir are going to hell. Ok maybe not hell, but you are definitely a bad person. Why be in a relationship if you want to act like you’re single? Do the decent thing and break up instead of being a prick and making your girlfriend look like a fool.In my experience the guys don’t show any remorse at first. Even then they don’t actually seem sorry, more concerned with getting caught. One guy had the nerve to text me the next morning with the text “Sorry about last night, if you wouldn’t tell anyone that’d be great. Thanks dude”. Seriously “dude”, go tell your girlfriend that you cheated before she finds out and then comes after me for ruining her relationship. In the majority of situations it is me, or any other girl who falls subject to the cheater unbeknownst, who will get the blame. Ladies, where is the girl code? In nearly every situation that I know of where a guy has cheated in a relationship an awful lot of blame is put on the girl(s) whom he has had relations with. Ever stopped to think that all the blame should be put on the person who was fully aware of the situation? The person who knew they were part of a relationship but still found themselves locking lips with someone who was not his girlfriend? No, it doesn’t work. Home wrecker is labelled and she’s the one everybody hates.But the worst part, when you see the girlfriend of said cheater and she has no idea who you are but you know her boyfriend is a dickhead but there’s nothing you can do. Even worse than this, when you see them together. Oh the relationships I could ruin.


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