American Style Chili - One Alarm, Maybe One and a Half.

Serves one American It’s American Style because I love freedom.  Prep time, 15 minutes, Cooking time, 1 hour+What you need:A pot.A knife & board. Ingredients:400 grams of minced beef.2 tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil.1 medium onion.1 cloves of garlic.1 bell pepper.1 400 Gram can of Chopped tomatoes.1 tablespoon of chilli powder1 tablespoon of Cumin.1 teaspoon of Oregano.      - These three can be replaced by a chilli spice mix. 1 400 gram can of Kidney Beans.Salt & Pepper Optional extras:Fresh Coriander.Cayenne powder for a kick.Grated Cheese, natural yoghurt and tortilla chips for serving. Recipe.

  1. Chop your onion and garlic finely. Cut your pepper into some strips. Fry up your beef mince, and then throw in the onion, pepper and garlic, cooking till everything’s nice and golden brown. Add your spices now and mix them up thoroughly with the meat and veg.
  2. Add your tomatoes, and simmer gently. While you’re doing this, drain your kidney beans, and toss them in the pot. Stir everything a few times, add a sprinkle of salt and pepper and let simmer for an hour at least. Stir occasionally so it doesn’t stick.
  3. If your chilli starts to dry up too much, or stick a little to the bottom of the pan, you can just add some water. Once it’s been cooked for long enough, taste it again to see if you need to add salt and pepper and then take it off the heat. If it’s too mild, you can add some hot sauce or cayenne powder, and if you have fresh coriander, chop it and sprinkle it on top.
  4. You can serve your chili on it’s own, with rice, or with some tortilla chips. If you want you can also add cheese, or if it's a bit too hot some yoghurt or sour cream.

Tips **(Maybe make this a sidebar)**Chili tastes better the next day, for real.You can also add Corn or roast squash to a chili if you want more veg.A sprinkle of brown sugar can help add depth to the dish.If you want to make this vegetarian, just replace the meat with another can of kidney beans.It’s not hard to get smoked paprika (it’s in Tesco), and it really adds some interesting flavours to the dish.If you add two cups of rice and a cup of water, you can cook this up and turn it into easy lunch fo’ dayz. 


An C.L.G: Na dúshláin atá imithe uainn agus atá amach romahinn


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