Bar Training on Campus Tommie Grant

Students are availing of bar work training organised by the UCC Managing and Marketing society. Running for two weeks from 4pm on Friday the 16th of November bar training has been taking place in the Old Bar. For the small fee of €5, students are being taught how to pull pints correctly and also availing of quality cocktail training. On top of this there is the added bonus of getting to drink whatever pints you pull, no matter how good or bad they may be. This is something which should of course be exercised within reason.As a result demand for this service has been understandably high and all the available places have been filled. A status was posted on the UCC Managing and Marketing society’s Facebook page advertising the service on the 10th of November. This was quickly followed by another status on the 11th explaining that all places had been filled.  More sessions have been promised in the coming weeks and months, to provide training for those who missed out.The current economic climate has meant that bars are inundated with applications for available vacancies.  For anyone who is interested in experiencing the J1 summer, finding a summer job or simply up skilling, this seems to be an opportunity which should not be squandered.  The current demand for this type of employment has meant it has become increasingly difficult to get a job without previous bar experience or training at the very least. This would perhaps explain the unprecedented demand for these sessions. A CV, with this training included on it, would be likely to sway the decision of an employer looking to recruit competent bar staff.The skills learned at these sessions provide a means of finding employment no matter where in the world you are. Anyone interested should like the Managing and Marketing society’s Facebook page and wait for further announcements. Alternatively they may contact, but be quick; any future training sessions are likely to be snapped up.


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