Club Bios | Picking something off the beaten track


  • Last season: Last season was our 3rd season entering the All-Ireland Intervarsity League as a club and we finished fifth overall and placed in the individual categories.
  • Why Join?: Archery is a sport that can be practiced in a great variety of ways, all of them fun. You can choose to compete at intervarsities or come to training, shoot a few arrows and make some new friends. We think you’ll find archery as addictive as we have. It is a very accessible sport in term of gender and physical disabilities. Last year over 200 students showed up for our first training session so you are bound to make a few friends along the way.
  • Training: Tuesday evenings in the Electrical Engineering building.
  • Competitions: 6 Intervarsities, a Student National Championship and beginner competitions for new archers.
  • Contact: Email:


GAA Handball

  • Last Season: Last year the club was successful with three players winning singles All-Ireland titles at various grades and a team of five winning UCC’s first Team All-Ireland in over 5 years.
  • Why Join?: A year wearing the skull and bones of the UCC GAA Handball Club can mean a lot. It will give you the chance to form friendships that will last throughout your time in college and beyond. Players have the chance to play in three intervarsity tournaments held all around the country. The club is open to both beginners and seasoned players. If you’re looking for a challenge this year but also want to have some fun and meet new people, then the GAA Handball club is for you.
  • Training times: Wed: 6pm, meeting outside the Student Centre.
  • Contact: Email
    • Facebook: Search ‘UCC GAA Handball Club’



  • Last Season: Last year with a late change in management, we had very good training sessions and encouraged our players to branch out and practice other martial arts to improve their own judo.
  • Why should I join?: Judo encourages fitness and healthy competition with a huge emphasis on respecting the other judoka. Judo is also excellent for those interested in MMA with Olympic Judo Bronze Medallist Ronda Rouse becoming a well-known name in it. We also allow and encourage our players to develop their own unique version of this ‘gentle’ martial art to overcome their opponents.
  • Training: TBA.
  • Competitions: The main competition will be the Judo Intervarsities which will be in February, with many others as well.
  • Contact:   Email:
    •  Facebook: Search ‘UCC Judo Club’.


Olympic Handball

  • Honours: Intervarsity champions
  • Last Season: Having had a solid start to the season, with early wins over UCD and Sligo, we kept up our form over the Christmas period, despite losing to reigning four-time champions Dublin International before the turn of the year. 2013 saw more success against Astra, Lughnasa and DCU as the side headed into the IOHA Cup. Unfortunately, DI once again had that finishing edge and we finished as runners up for the second time in two years but we hope that they will be there for the taking next year.
  • Why join?: Olympic Handball is a minority sport in Ireland, meaning that competition is open to people of all abilities to expand their sporting horizons. It’s a low contact sport so perfectly suitable for people of both genders and presents a fantastic opportunity to improve your fitness. The game has fantastic opportunities, the chance to play in European competition, represent your country in an Olympic sport, and perhaps even earn the right to play abroad like other Irish players. The game is hugely multinational and UCC OHC is one of the most international clubs on campus.
  • Training: Tue: 4pm-6pm and Wed: 5pm-7pm in the Mardyke Main Hall.
  • Matches: Matches are usually played on a Saturday or Sunday, with double-header weekend trips to Dublin also commonplace.
  • Contact: Facebook: Search ‘UCC Olympic Handball Club’
    • Twitter: Kevin Galvin @shefellover93



  • Last Season: We had a solid start with several collaborative events on campus such as our campfire with the Hot Beverages society.  We went on our first camp to Fota scout campsite with activities including, pioneering, abseiling and singeing our eyebrows on our resident pyromaniac’s campfire.
  • Why Join? You probably think that Scouts spend all day singing silly songs or you have recently left your troop to move for college. Here’s your opportunity to join a club that will give an experience of what Scouts really do. Nowhere else can you stand on top of the Galtee mountains at 5 in the morning watching the sunrise, or have the opportunity to go to international events with several thousand people for a few hundred euro. So come and see what unique opportunities Rover Scouts can give you.
  • Meetings: Tuesdays.
  • Contact: Facebook:Â
    • Twitter: @UCCRovers.



  • Honours: 2012 Intervarsity champions
  • Last Season: The past season was full of some amazing squash. UCC was the most represented university at intervarsities last year and many of the games are featured on our website.
  • Why Join?: Squash is well regarded as the world’s healthiest sport. It’s a great way to keep fit and improve your strength, flexibility and co-ordination and definitely the most fun way to get a full cardio workout in just 40 minutes. We are dedicated to promoting both the skill and social side of squash. Joining our club means you will meet loads of other players, get exercise and have fun. We offer training to all our members, even if you’ve never played before.
  • Training: Intermediates Mon: 7pm- 10:30pm, Beginners Wed: 6:30pm- 10:30pm in the Mardyke.
  • Matches: We run a monthly club ladder as well as regular club tournaments and Munster leagues.
  • How to find us: Email Michael or Orlaith at
    • Facebook: Search ‘UCC Squash Club’
    • Twitter: @uccsquash



  • Honours: Munster Open Winners
  • Last Season: Last year UCC Tramps racked up an impressive 50 medals in its four annual competitions. We also came 2nd in last year's Intervarsities. We had the best ranking Irish competitor at the Scottish League and in April UCC hosted the largest student competition in Europe with over 600 competitors. Members also travelled to Scotland for intensive training weekends.
  • Why join?: Trampolining is open to people of all levels. Our  coaches will help you to develop your skills and the friendly atmosphere at training  provides an excellent setting to meet new people. The competitions also give you the chance to travel. The club also hosts regular social outings which are a great way to get to know members better.
  • Training Times: Mon: 5pm to 7pm, Wed: 5pm to 7pm and Thurs: 4.30pm to 7pm in the Mardyke.
  • Contact: Email:
    • Facebook: Search: ‘UCC Trampoline Gymnastics Club’
    • Twitter: @UCCTramps


  • Honours: Men's: Intervarsity Champions 2010, 2011, UK Varsity Champions 2012, Team of the Year Award 2012
  • Women's: Runners- up CUSAI League Finals 2013, Runners-up Intervarsities 2011
  • Last Season: Our advanced women made it to the quarterfinals at intervarsities and placed 2nd in the CUSAI league. The advanced men also made it to the quarterfinals at both the Intervarsities and the CUSAI league finals. Our intermediate and beginner teams competed in the CUSAI league and the Cork Mixed League.
  • Why join?: The volleyball club is a very strong club in both competition and the pub. Our tournaments often take place abroad and allow us to see new places and we have large numbers of international students every year. We are always looking for new members and have teams to suit all levels. Join us in training and make new friends while playing a fun competitive sport.
  • Matches: Weekday evenings, tournaments on weekends.
  • Contact: Email:


These clubs and more will be at Clubs Day on Tuesday 17th of September in Devere Hall.




Societies Corner | Kate Nora Dennison