Societies Corner | Kate Nora Dennison

To our new first year students: Welcome to UCC! To all other students: Welcome back. And to any random members of the public reading this: stop masquerading as a UCC student, you’re not fooling anyone. Katie here, just wanted to give you a brief introduction into the world of UCC societies. In this University we literally have a society for everything (except a Harry Potter Appreciation Club – feel free to set that up, asap). It doesn’t matter what your interests are, there are definitely a group of people here that feel the same way. Love singing? Choral and Musical Socs will be handing out sheet music. Parlez-vous français? Show off your skills at French Soc. Like to help the homeless? We have our very own St. Vincent de Paul Society on campus. Can’t stop arguing? Well, neither can Philosophical, Law, or Government & Politics (especially with each other…). Studying Dentistry and want to get some practise in while meeting other classmates? Self-explanatory. Really love drinking tea? Believe it or not, that is the mantra of Hot Beverages Society. Coming to University can be a bit overwhelming, but if you want to make friends fast, get free stuff, and be pushed out of (or into) your comfort zone: sign up for a few societies on Societies Day, September 18th. Great events to look forward to:Freshers’ Week: every society will be out on campus offering you free stuff to join them. And if you say no, you’ll probably still get a lollipop or a Frisbee just for being there! This is a great chance to find out which societies suit you. Want to dress up as a medieval knight? Interested in astronomy? Obsessed with horse racing? Don’t hold back. These people want to help you do the things you love.Christmas Festivities: most societies will be having some kind of party you’re all invited too! Costumes are mandatory, free food will be given out, and good times will be shared by all. There are usually a few pantos, hot chocolate give-aways, carolling, and glitter everywhere (you can never have enough).Raise & Give Week: a week where societies put all their energies into raising money for charities. All week long there will be stands on campus with sweets, baked goods, face-painting, games, not to mention all the random flash mobs and performances that will be taking place in the amphitheatre.Stars Awards: prizes are given out to the societies that have put the most effort into their events throughout the year. We go to a fancy soiree at a hotel and congratulate each other on our nominations and awards. Even if you’re society doesn’t win, you’ll get to hang out with a lot of fun people – and there’s  always next year!Clubs & Socs: a ball specifically for people involved in running clubs and societies on campus. The theme is a secret, but the important thing is there will be food, drink, dancing and tuxedos. UCC’s best, and most exclusive, ball will be one of the best nights of your life! 


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