Cosgrave Corner: Super easy Lamb curry

4-6 servings, for ‘Normal people’ I don’t judge, I can eat a lot of curry. So easy a Lamb could make it, and those guys are dumb. And they don’t have opposable thumbs.Prep time, 30 min. Cooking time 45 min +

What you need

  • A knife and board.
  • A pot.


  • 1 tablespoon of Turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon of chilli powder
  • 1 tablespoon of paprika (Or you can just use a few tablespoons of curry powder or paste.)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 3 medium onions.
  • 5 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 bell peppers.
  • One thumb sized piece of ginger, or a tablespoon of powdered ginger.
  • 1 Kilo of Diced lamb. (Lamb Laps or shoulder works best here, and are a cheap cuts, though you have to dice them yourself, otherwise diced or stewing lamb is available in all supermarkets)
  • 2 400 gram cans of chopped tomatoes
  • Salt & Pepper

Optional extras

  • 1 400 gram can of chick peas.
  • Fresh coriander
  • Apples
  • Fresh chillies.
  • Maybe some lentils?


  1. Finely chop your onion, garlic and ginger. If you want to add fresh chillies, chop them up now as well. If you don’t want too much spice, take the seeds out, otherwise, leave them in. Roughly chop your bell peppers.
  2. If you’re not using the curry powder or paste, heat up the oil in the pan until it’s almost smoking and toss in your spices, toasting them for a minute, then turn off the heat and add your onions, garlic, ginger and peppers. If you are using curry paste or powder, heat up the oil in the pan and add your veg first, then mix in the curry powder once they’ve started to brown.
  3. Once your vegetables are starting to brown, throw in your lamb and turn the heat up a little. You want to cook your diced lamb until it’s brown on the outside. Keep stirring it around to make sure that it gets coated in the spices as well.
  4. Once your lamb is browned off, add your two cans of tomatoes. If you want to add chickpeas, drain them off and add them now as well. Stir it occasionally to make sure it doesn’t stick and leave it to simmer. If you want to add some sweetness to your curry, you can grate in an apple or two for flavour now. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper over it and taste the curry, seasoning it more to your own taste.
  5. Unless the chunks of lamb are really big, your curry should be ready to eat in about 45 minutes, but the longer you can leave it, the better it will be, an hour and a half to two hours is great. If it’s sticking a lot or getting a bit dry, you can just add some water, or if you have some, a little coconut milk.
  6. Serve your curry with some rice or naan bread, and sprinkle some fresh coriander over it to make it look a little cooler and taste Legit Fresh. (Yeah I use legit in print. Fight me)


You can make this a vegan curry by taking out the lamb and adding an extra onion, a can of chickpeas, another pepper and some lentils or split peas.Once you’ve added everything, the hard work is done, you can just check it occasionally so it doesn’t stick, but if you’ve got a pot with a lid that can go in the oven, you can stick it in there for two hours at a hundred and fifty degrees and forget about it.Literally, to make half this amount of curry, just add the same amount of spice and half the other ingredients.You can take out the lamb and add any other meat, as long as it’s also diced. Lamb is just super tasty.This is kind-of like a Madras, but not as spicy, because Madras’ are HELLA Spicy.


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