Winter Beauty

Changing weather can mean changing your skincare routine. Skin can become dry, chapped, and delicate at this time of year. Even those with oily skin can be affected by this. You do not have to change your moisturiser, but a rich night cream can be added to your routine to help fight the dryness. I find it more difficult to drink more water in the colder months, but it will really help your skin to stay hydrated. It is not just your face that will suffer. Your hands can also be subjected to the colder temperatures. Wearing gloves will not only help you stay warm but your hands will thank you for it.Darker evenings mean it is time to bring out the winter shades. Try a burgundy shade lipstick. Most makeup companies offer a wide range of darker lip shades ranging from sultry purples to deep reds. There is something to match everyone’s taste. Eye makeup shades also turn darker for winter; again, these colours tend to stay rich, with plums and even shades of dark orange. 


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