Go Pink This Month in Aid of Breast Cancer Ireland

By News Editor Cormac McCarthy

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Ireland are hosting The Very Pink Run which gives the opportunity for both adults and children to participate in a light-hearted fun-filled morning walk/run. There is something for everyone with a 5k fun run, jog, walk and a 10k challenge. 

The goal at Breast Cancer Ireland is, through research, to “transform breast cancer from often being a fatal disease (690 deaths annually) into a treatable illness that can be managed long term.” These vital funds from the public will go towards early screening and monitoring to ensure widespread early detection, thus providing a more positive outcome for those affected. 

This is an annual run that has been hosted since 2011. The Very Pink Run has raised in excess of €6 million euros since 2011 and has been vital in supporting ongoing research and education programs nationwide. 

The Very Pink Run takes place this Saturday the 8th of October at midday and starts from MTU campus in Bishopstown. Registration is still open on their website www.verypinkrun.ie 

Coinciding with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Mater Hospital Foundation is calling on people around the country to host their own “Pink Party” on the 18th of October. The aim is to bring hope and healing to all those affected by breast cancer. The outreach program is aimed at all communities throughout the county to take part and raise funds for Breast Cancer Care in the Mater Private Hospital

The aim is to host your own “Go Pink” breakfast, lunch event or activity in order to bring people in the community together. They are asking people to host such an event on the 18th of October but are very open for people to organize on whatever day suits them best. This party can be as elaborate or as simple as you like, with the aim to create a sense of togetherness.  

Commenting on the new Go Pink campaign, Mater Hospital Foundation Chief Executive Mary Moorhead says, “We are so excited to be launching this colourful campaign for companies, communities and individuals right across Ireland. It is a great opportunity to have some fun, embrace your silly side and bring your colleagues or friends together, all while making a real and lasting difference for patients with breast cancer in the Mater Public Hospital.”

Registration is available on the Mater Private Foundation Website. With your sign up and registration you will receive free pink spectacles for all participants.


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