How To

So you want to write for the UCC Express? Fantastic! Don't worry if you don't have any prior experience, that's what the Express is for: to get you involved in published writing & journalism. Here are some handy steps to help you get writing:

Read the Paper

The first step is to read the latest issue of the Express, and articles on this very website, to find what section you feel suits you best. Have a good look, take your time and (hopefully) enjoy what you see. If what's being discussed doesn't work for you, don't panic: the content doesn't necessarily reflect the scope of the section, you can make it your own!

Contact The Editor

So you've found out, let's say, that you really really want to write for Film, Fashion, News and Sports: deadly! The next step is to get on to the relevant editors as soon as possible. You can find a complete list of our Editors here with their details. For 2015/16, the deadline for issues of Byline is the Friday before the issue appears on campus, and for the Express the deadline is the Saturday before the issue hits the shelves. If you're unsure who to contact, you can email our head honcho Brian on, and he'll point you in the right direction.


Yes, it's finally time to actually write! At this stage you've: a) Pitched an article to an editor(s) (successfully/unsuccessfully), b) The editor(s) gave you something to write, or, c) You've disregarded all communication and decided: "feck it, I'll write what I want to write anyway!" Boom, sorted, you write what you want to write. Even if you didn't contact an editor, there's always a chance they're still lacking content for their section, or we can always put it on this very website.

Relax (?)

What's done is done, and your fantastic article has been written. It's time to celebrate!...but don't party too hard, it's only two weeks until the issue of the Express: time to get writing!


Any questions? Email our Editor-In-Chief Brian Conmy at Happy writing!


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