Hundreds of Celebrities caught in Los Angeles wildfire

The wildfires that have ravaged southern California this past week are finally under control, but the scale of the devastation is only beginning to be seen. The fire which destroyed nearly 10,000 homes and has spread across 233sq miles is already the deadliest American wildfire in a century. And there are fears that the eventual death toll will rise much higher, with almost 1,300 people still unaccounted for, but you don’t give a shit about the thousands of families who were displaced, injured and can’t afford to rebuild their shattered lives do you? Of course not! What about the Celebs? Are they okay? Did their pools survive? The Express is here with the updates to put your mind at ease, knowing your favourite actor is safe and sound.George Clooney- While Clooney’s mansion was caught in the blaze, thanks to quick thinking, he escaped unharmed. When the fire began to engulf his home, Clooney wisely used a replica Batsuit from Batman and Robin to escape and was unhurt. Clooney did however lose many Nespresso machines in the fire. Our hearts are with his family at this time.The Kardashians- The Kardashian family was one of the worst affected in all of Los Angeles. Eye witness reports say it was like the fire had a mind of its own and headed straight for them. Sadly, they all survived.Kevin Spacey- Although no one is actually looking to rescue Spacey, many claim he actually caused the devastating wildfire when he began burning mountains of evidence against him. Still, wouldn’t be the worst thing he’s done.Michael Bay- The famous director has actually refused rescue on several occasions. He was quoted as saying “I wanna stay and watch the explosions man. It gives me the weirdest boner.”If you could find it in your hearts to donate to these poor, poor billionaires please visit the American Red Cross.


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