Israeli Journalist set to dispel the myths | Tommie Grant

israeli journalistCelebrated Israeli author Ben Dror Yemini is to address the UCC Philosophical and International Relations societies regarding the misconceptions of Israeli-Arab relations. The talk will take place this Tuesday, February 26th, at 6pm in Kane G.18.

     Considering Mr Yemini’s wide-ranging education and work history, this is sure to make for a fascinating talk; likely to be of interest to anyone who likes to keep up to date with current affairs or anyone who has an interest in the modern history of international relations. While having studied humanities and history in the University of Tel Aviv, Ben Dror Yemini also holds a law degree and has worked as a partner in a law firm and as a spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Immigration.

     As an Author he has also been extremely successful. Since the publication of the 1984 book “Political Punch” he has gone on to write several books and articles on the Israeli-Arab conflict covering issues such as genocide, refugees, human rights violations, the status of Israeli Arabs, multiculturalism, and the status of women. He has also held high profile positions, for example since 2003 he has served as opinion-editor of the Maariv daily newspaper,the second most popular newspaper in Israel in terms of sales.

     Ben Dror Yemini’s international success has stemmed from the fact he can impartially examine a conflict that is so close to his own people to reach unprejudiced conclusions, for example his support of a two state solution to the Israeli-Palestine conflict and his opposition to Jewish settlements on the West Bank exhibits detached analysis on his behalf. As a result his work has been more internationally credited than some of his fellow Israeli journalists leading to him being the most translated Israeli journalist and a widely invited speaker about Israel-Arab issues.

     This is an event not to be missed by anyone with an interest in international relations as it is a once off opportunity to hear from a top journalist close to the heart of Israeli foreign relations.


€30,000 raised during successful R&G Week | Margaret Perry


Operation Transformation: The Final Countdown | Heather Steele