Operation Transformation: The Final Countdown | Heather Steele

We are now in the sixth week of UCC Operation Transformation meaning that there is only one week left to go. The programme which is inspired by the annual RTE television show of the same name has been run by the UCC Health Matters programme in partnership with the Mardyke Arena and Kylemore Services Group and began with eight leaders being chosen, four staff and four students.KSG have provided healthy Operation Transformation meals on all their menus from the middle of January and for seven weeks of the programme, all eight leaders taking part have been provided with free breakfast, lunch and dinner courtesy of KSG. The leaders have also had their progress tracked by nutritionists with weekly weigh-ins and a full physical at the beginning and the end of the programme.Today marks the second last weigh in for the Operation Transformation leaders and so far there have been some astounding results for all eight participants. The eight leaders are continuing to meet their goals and student leader James Keane in particular has now lost a total of 19lbs. This has taken place in tandem with healthy eating decisions and a focus on exercise. Indeed, while most of the world was tucked up in bed last Saturday morning, most of our brave Leaders took part in their first Operation Transformation 5k Run.Beyond changing the diet and exercise patterns of the eight leaders, Operation Transformation has sought to affect change in the UCC population as a whole. In addition to the healthy eating options designed by resident KSG nutritionist Charlotte Cummins which are available in campus eateries, last week saw two events organsised for the general UCC college community. On Monday there was a free Zumba class in the Student Centre, led by Lisa Whitley from the Mardyke Arena and on Thursday there was a free workout session with two trainers from the Mardyke at Brookfield.  Lunchtime walks are also being coordinated as part of the programme and are free for all to participate in.For more information on how to take part in Operation Transformation and to follow the continuing progress of the leaders check out the UCC Health Matters Facebook page.


Israeli Journalist set to dispel the myths | Tommie Grant


Much more than making coffee- Summer internships examined | Audrey Ellard Walsh