J1 Regulations Set to Hamper Students

Starting in 2016, Irish students participating in the J-1 Work & Travel USA Program will be required to have a summer job vetted and approved before travelling to the U.S.The new regulation, introduced by J-1 visa sponsors CIEE and Interchange, will affect more than 7,000 Irish students every year. The new stipulation will affect all 38 countries currently approved by the visa waiver programme which allows visa-free travel to the U.S. for up to 90 days for eligible citizens. Ireland, however, has one of the highest J-1 issuance rates and will be among those most affected by the change.Michael Doorley, managing director of Shandon Travel which oversees the J-1 agency SAYIT, commented that "Students should not under any circumstances think of travelling without a J-1 visa, as the penalties can be refusal at pre-clearance in Irish airports or on arrival in the U.S. or, if found working illegally, then deportation and non re-entry for 10 years".Doorley believed the change was positive, however, and will ensure more stability for students. "Job pre-placement is good news for students that travel to the USA on the visa programme. We have thousands of qualifying employers lined up with thousands of approved jobs and this takes the uncertainty for students of having to worry about sourcing a job on arrival"."They now will arrive from their flight straight into a job and earning money- a situation very much welcomed by parents as they wont have to fund them while they search for a job. It also gives the students more time in advance to source accommodation".While the Department of Foreign Affairs has yet to comment on the issue, Taoiseach Enda Kenny said he was "not keen" on the idea of "the dramatic introduction of a requirement for pre-employment". Speaking in the Dáil last month, the Taoiseach said such an introduction could be "an abrupt end to the J-1 system as we know it"The J-1 USIT and SAYIT Programmes are optimistic however, offering virtual and physical job fairs to students in order to obtain jobs for the upcoming summer. For any student interested in applying for a J-1, you can visit the USIT website at www.j1online.ie and SAYIT at www.sayit.ie


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