My Thanks and Saying Thank you

And so, the semester has flown by, far quicker than I would have liked, and with our last edition and thanksgiving having just passed us I’m going to take the opportunity to say thanks to all of the UCC express staff at large, from myself and I’m sure Rob as well, we could not have done it without all of you. In particular, for my own part, I want to say thanks to all of the contributors and writers whom have written for the news section, but in particular thanks to Michelle and Sarah, whom have been contributing to news since the first edition, and have gone above and beyond in their work researching and writing stories, often on short notice. They probably don’t get enough thanks or recognition for all the work and effort they contribute to the express. I also cannot let this pass without saying a particular thank you to my deputy Ciaran, who has been absolutely phenomenal, not just at writing his own articles but also in helping with the editing process, a second pair of eyes is often indispensable there. They’ve all been a massive help throughout the year so far and I probably couldn’t have done it without them to be honest.However, I still have an issue I want to raise, while it is great to be thanked and appreciated for one’s work, time and effort it’s important not to lose sight of the bigger picture and not lose yourself gaining the praise and thanks but that shouldn’t be your motivation or what drives you. Or if all you’re seeking is praise and thanks then maybe you should take another look in the mirror. It can probably be summed up best by the following quote:“You don’t do good deeds to be appreciated, you do them because they are the right thing to do” 


An Tuiseal Ginideach


UCC Sail into History at ITRA Nationals