
If growth curves are to be believed, then Pewdiepie will be overtaken as the largest channel on YouTube at some point this month. Here are some ridiculous statistics to show the sheer mass of his following;

  • 71: If Pewdiepie’s 71,068,326 subscribers (at time of writing), was to be a country, it would be the 20th biggest in the world, ahead of the United Kingdom, Thailand and South Africa
  • 282: In the last 30 days, he has received 282,807,000 views. With his videos averaging around 10 minutes, this is the equivalent of 47,134,500 hours of watch time on his channel
  • 63: Unlike most larger channels, none of Pewdiepie’s videos has gone ‘viral’ per se. His most viewed video is at 63 million views.
  • 19: In total, his channel has received over 19 billion views, nearly three times the amount of the population of the world.
  • 1: One person, one channel, one camera, 71 million fans.



An Obsession of the Main-Stream