SU nominations to re-open for Welfare Officer position

It has been today announced that the nominations for the positions of Vice President for Welfare (Welfare Officer) and Equality Officer on the Students' Union will be re-opened. This decision has been made due to the fact that both of the candidates for the positions, Mike O'Keeffe and Niamh O'Reilly respectively, failed to send a soft copy of their manifestos to the Students' Union on time.Both of the candidates were initially unopposed, though this ruling by the Students' Union Executive and the Returning Officer will mean that other prospective officers have until Wednesday evening at 5pm to start from scratch - collecting the requisite signatures, writing a manifesto and send both a hard & soft copy into the Students' Union. Both of the previously confirmed candidates will also have to re-collect signatures by the midweek deadline.As the deadline for applications for the Welfare and Equality Officer positions has been extended, both of those positions will no longer take part in the scheduled hustings tonight and tomorrow night. A special hustings for both of those positions will instead take place on Thursday, details to be announced.In addition to this, the race for the position of Medicine & Health Rep has become rather less competitive, as it seems Niamh Hogan may have fallen afoul of the same issues as O'Keeffe and O'Reilly. No manifesto for her can be found in the official candidate manifesto Google Drive folder, which is what happened to both of the aforementioned candidates. However, it is thought at this time that she will not be able to run at all this year, as nominations have not reopened for that position, leading to an uncontested race for Laura Mitchell. While this may change, it seems unlikely at the time of writing.We'll keep you up to date on this story as more unfolds


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Referendum to raise capitation by €50 announced