The End Has Come

By Features Editor Chloe Barrett

Goodbye, farewell, so long, au revoir, ciao, etc., etc. That, my dear readers, was my sophisticated way to leave you. In the lurch, mayhaps, but all good things must end, as unfortunate as it is. Oh please, don’t cry! This might not be goodbye forever, merely for now. You may see me floating around, whether on the internet or lurking in the hovels of Cork City, please do not hesitate to converse with me! Like normal people do, of course.

Anyway, if you would like to continue this bittersweet moment, please check out the piece that I wrote concerning working for student media and the joys that arise from it. If I have done anything in my time here, let it be gifting you with the encouragement to hopefully pursue your passions! It is well worth it, believe me.

I also have a grand finale to my little book review series that I am sure many eager readers have been anxiously awaiting! (all three of you) I discuss more recent books that I have indulged in, and if I think they are good enough to recommend to you guys. After all, when have I ever led you astray?

Thank you all for putting up with my wacky little articles that seem to follow a pattern of random fun. Hopefully, you all have been kept on your toes whenever you ponder the eternal question of ‘What Features piece will be uploaded today?’. Because best, believe me, I often thought about it myself.

See you on the other side!



Gaming Adaptations: The Rising Genre


I nDlúthpháirtíocht: Tacaíocht Daingean Kneecap don Phalaistín ar an ‘Late Late Show’ i measc Eisiúint Scannán