#UCCVotes 2017/18 - Full Results

With an approximate 30% increase in turnout, and a 1/3rd increase in amount of candidates, this round of UCC Students' Union elections became a hectic time, particularly for the candidates, their teams, the people in the count, and the poor journos trying to cover all the chaos. The increased turnout & candidate levels meant that the count went on well into the next day, as we awaited the results of Equality and President. With the latter, while we knew the result, we did not know the stats...until now.

Results in full

USI Reaffiliation Referendum:TOTAL POLL: 5117TOTAL VALID POLL: 4948YES (Re-Affiliate): 4267NO (Disaffiliate): 681UCC will remain affiliated to the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). College Representative for the College of Medicine & HealthTOTAL POLL: 973TOTAL VALID POLL: 943QUOTA: 472First Count:BRENNAN, Noel: 549HENNIGAN, Caoimhe: 391RON (Re-Open Nominations): 3Noel Brennan deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. College Representative for the College of Business & LawTOTAL POLL: 1364TOTAL VALID POLL: 1291QUOTA: 646First Count:CHADWICK, Jennifer: 1142RON (Re-Open Nominations): 149Jennifer Chadwick deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. College Representative for the College of Science, Engineering & Food ScienceTOTAL POLL: 1425TOTAL VALID POLL: 1372QUOTA: 687First Count:HICKEY, Jack: 798MIMOSO, Iuri: 254MAHRUKH, Rose: 295RON (Re-Open Nominations): 25Jack Hickey deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. College Representative for the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social SciencesTOTAL POLL: 1434TOTAL VALID POLL: 1367QUOTA: 684First Count:BURKE, Andrew: 253CONWAY, Cahir: 210DALY MULLIGAN, Alana: 558O'DRISCOLL, Eoin: 309RON (Re-Open Nominations): 33RON eliminated, transfers - Andrew Burke: +1; Alana Daly Mulligan: +6.Second Count: BURKE, Andrew: 254CONWAY, Cahir: 210DALY MULLIGAN, Alana: 564O'DRISCOLL, Eoin: 309Cahir Conway eliminated, transfers - Andrew Burke: +61; Alana Daly Mulligan: +90; Eoin O'Driscoll: +24.Third Count:BURKE, Andrew: 315DALY MULLIGAN, Alana: 654O'DRISCOLL, Eoin: 333Alana Daly Mulligan deemed elected on the third count without having met the quota. Irish Officer / Oifigeach na GaeilgeTOTAL POLL: 5091TOTAL VALID POLL: 4771QUOTA: 2386First Count:BURTON, Edel: 1840DUGGAN, Megan: 768O DULLAING, Antoin: 2067RON (Re-Open Nominations): 96RON eliminated, transfers: EB +4, MD +6, AOD +9Second Count:BURTON, Edel: 1844DUGGAN, Megan: 774O DULLAING, Antoin: 2076Megan Duggan eliminated, transfers: EB +367, AOD +216Third Count:BURTON, Edel: 2211O DULLAING, Antoin: 2292Antóin Ó Dullaing is deemed elected on the third count without reaching the quota Equality OfficerTOTAL POLL: 5129TOTAL VALID POLL: 4679QUOTA: 2340First Count:BROWNE O'NEILL, Katie: 2073RICHARDSON, Maeve: 2429RON (Re-Open Nominations): 177Maeve Richardson deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. Entertainments OfficerTOTAL POLL: 5273TOTAL VALID POLL: 4989QUOTA: 2495First Count:CAREY, Ronan: 2314CRONIN, David: 2534RON (Re-Open Nominations): 141David Cronin deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. Commercial & Communications OfficerTOTAL POLL: 5239TOTAL VALID POLL: 5015QUOTA: 2508First Count:FINNERTY, Matthew: 1929MURPHY, Faye: 1975POLAND, Amy: 1079RON (Re-Open Nominations): 32RON is eliminated, transfers: MF +3, FM +1, AP +5Second Count:FINNERTY, Matthew: 1932MURPHY, Faye: 1976POLAND, Amy: 1084Amy Poland is eliminated, transfers: MF +259, FM +559Third Count:FINNERTY, Matthew: 2191MURPHY, Faye: 2535Faye Murphy is deemed elected on the third count having reached the quota. Education OfficerTOTAL POLL: 5269TOTAL VALID POLL: 4896QUOTA: 2449First Count:FRAHILL, Aaron: 2477O'BRIEN, Alice: 2343RON (Re-Open Nominations): 76Aaron Frahill is deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. Welfare OfficerTOTAL POLL: 5243TOTAL VALID POLL: 4987QUOTA: 2494First Count:CONNERY, Niamh: 1776HANLEY, Martina: 728MCCARTHY, John: 941MCCARTHY, Thomas: 1482RON (Re-Open Nominations): 60RON is eliminated, transfers: NC +6, MH +3, JMcC +1, TMcC +9Second Count:CONNERY, Niamh: 1782HANLEY, Martina: 731MCCARTHY, John: 942MCCARTHY, Thomas: 1491Martina Hanley is eliminated, transfers: NC +340, JMcC +100, TMcC +101Third Count:CONNERY, Niamh: 2122MCCARTHY, John: 1042MCCARTHY, Thomas: 1592John McCarthy is eliminated, transfers: NC+250, TMcC +346Fourth Count:CONNERY, Niamh: 2372MCCARTHY, Thomas: 1938Niamh Connery is deemed elected on the fourth count without having reached the quota. Deputy President & Campaigns OfficerTOTAL POLL: 5247TOTAL VALID POLL: 4887QUOTA: 2444First Count:COYLE, Kelly: 3166MEIGHAN, Liam: 1635RON (Re-Open Nominations): 86Kelly Coyle is deemed elected on the first count having reached the quota. PresidentTOTAL POLL: 5135TOTAL VALID POLL: 5135QUOTA: 2568First Count:BREATHNACH, Séamus: 541CAHILL, Tommy: 1113COLLOPY, Eoin: 1120CONWAY, Thomas: 445HAYES, Alan: 1865RON (Re-Open Nominations): 51RON is eliminated, transfers: SB +4, TCa +2, EC +1, TCo +4, AH +9Second Count:BREATHNACH, Séamus: 545CAHILL, Tommy: 1115COLLOPY, Eoin: 1121CONWAY, Thomas: 449HAYES, Alan: 1874Thomas Conway is eliminated, transfers: SB +62, TCa +112, EC +70, AH +104Third Count:BREATHNACH, Séamus: 607CAHILL, Tommy: 1227COLLOPY, Eoin:  1191HAYES, Alan: 1978Séamus Breathnach is eliminated, transfers: TCa +154, EC +145, AH +162Fourth Count:CAHILL, Tommy: 1381COLLOPY, Eoin: 1336HAYES, Alan: 2140Eoin Collopy is eliminated, transfers: TCa +409, AH +495Fifth Count:CAHILL, Tommy: 1790HAYES, Alan: 2635Alan Hayes is deemed elected on the fifth count having reached the quota. After the March 6th & 7th elections, your SU for 2018/19 looked like this:

  • President - Alan Hayes
  • Deputy President & Campaigns Officer - Kelly Coyle
  • Welfare Officer - Niamh Connery
  • Education Officer - Aaron Frahill
  • Commercial & Communications Officer - Faye Murphy
  • Entertainments Officer - David Cronin
  • Equality Officer - Maeve Richardson
  • Irish Officer - Antóin Ó Dullaing
  • CACSSS Rep - Alana Daly Mulligan
  • SEFS Rep - Jack Hickey
  • Med & Health Rep - Noel Brennan
  • B & L Rep - Jennifer Chadwick

On March 20th the Societies Guild AGM took place, where the Guild President, Guild Finance Officer and 6 Guild OCMs were elected. They are as follows:

  • President - James Boyle
  • Finance Officer - Michaela Maher
  • OCMs
    • Niamh Birkett
    • Ronan Carey
    • Laura Duff
    • Donnacha Murphy
    • Katie O'Neill
    • Eadaoin Sheehan

The Societies Guild President also sits on the Students' Union Executive.On March 21st, the last Student Council of the year was held, at which the Council team for the upcoming year was elected. The Council Chair will also sit on SU Exec. The Council team for 2018/19 is as follows:

  • Council Chair - Katie O'Neill
  • Council Secretary - Ronan Carey
  • Council PRO - Laisvunas Vaitiekaitis

 The SU Exec, those listed above, the Guild President and the Council Chair, will be rounded out by the addition of the Clubs President for 2018/19, which is to be elected at the upcoming UCC Sport/Clubs AGM. While not sitting on Exec, the Equality Working Group elections will be held on April 10th, and will elect the following positions: Gender Equality Officer, LGBTQ Rights Officer, International Students Officer, Mature Students Officer, Disability Rights Officer, SÁMH Officer and Environmental Officer.


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