Voting isn't the most we can do, butit is the least - Editorial Issue 10

Caitríona Ní Chonaill (Editor in Chief)

Hi there,

I’m sure you’ve been approached to give signatures to Students’ Union election nominees on campus several times in the past week. I have to say, I take my hat off to anyone running, as they are putting their hopes in the student population to place them in a position where they will be able to advocate for you, as a student, on a variety of issues. For anyone who hasn’t seen a student election happen before, or just hasn’t paid attention in the past few years, here’s the rundown:

Nominations (the people going around with clipboards asking for signatures) ended on Friday 24th February. They were asking for signatures because you need a certain number of signatures to be nominated and to be able to run for a position. 500 were needed for a Sabbatical Officer (one of the 6 main positions in the Student’s Union - President, Communications and Engagement Officer, Education Officer, Welfare Officer, Commercial & Fundraising Officer and Entertainments Officer). 250 were needed to be a College Representative (Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences/ Business and Law/ Medicine and Health/ Science, Engineering and Food Science) and 150 for a Campaign Representative (Environmental and Sustainability/ Equality and Diversity/ Irish Language and Culture).

Sabbatical Officer Hustings occurs on the 1st of March, which is basically a Q&A where the nominees are asked about their aims and objectives should they be elected.

Voting opens at 9am on the 6th of March and closes on the 8th of March at 2pm, so you don’t have much time to get your vote in! I would absolutely recommend that you vote, as each vote makes a difference and also, if you agree with someone’s aims and you think they would be a great asset to the Students’ Union, go and vote for them, they will need your support to achieve their aims! You do your voting online, so you don’t even need to leave your bed to help support the candidates. Results are announced on 8th of March and will be livestreamed on the SU Instagram if you can’t be there in person. The University Express will also be covering proceedings online throughout the events, chatting to nominees and making sure that you as a student understand how important the SU elections are and how the candidates can benefit you!

If you need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of Election week, boy do we have the issue for you! Find out about life abroad in the Irish section, view some stunning photos by our own talented photographer and learn about the importance of women in politics in our News section.

Happy Reading!


Issue 10 - Editorial James Kemmy


Forám Ban sa Dlí 2023